Single African Air Transport Market
The Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM)1 is an African Union project aimed at creating a single market for air transport in Africa. Once fully in force, the single market should allow great freedom of air transport in Africa2.
The main objective of the "SAATM" is to fully implement the Yamoussoukro Declaration of 1999. This means that all participants agree to lift market access restrictions for airlines, remove ownership restrictions, grant each other extended first to fifth freedom air traffic rights without affecting cabotage rights and liberalize flight frequency and capacity limits. Passenger and cargo aviation is included3. It also aims to harmonize aviation safety and security rules, based on ICAO4 requirements. Control of “SAATM” is exercised by the African Union, its Regional Economic Communities and the African Civil Aviation Commission.
this could become the future of africa, let's imagine that you install intercontinental hubs in the 4 corners of africa, you connect the rest of the world to africa at a lower price,
example number 1:
you bring in freight from Europe, you do it through Algiers, the cost of energy used from Europe being more expensive, when your goods arrive in Algiers, they will go to the 4 corners of Africa for less,
because the price of oil in Algeria is lower when in Europe.
this will benefits all countries of africa,
the question will always be the price of energy, if necessary contact me to give you my vision, it is not a question of giving a monopol to a particular country, but of taking advantage of its geography, and the price of its energy, it could be Ethiopia to be connected with Asia , or Senegal with South America.
so how about the people , it will be an other topic about it, all African countries could get a lot of benefice from each other...